My sister just sent me a box of yarns, and patterns and tabelcloths etc. Some like the pattern above I'm not sure whether I will be able to use, but than I look closer and think look at all the designs in this pattern.... The timing couldn't have been better. I'm in a postcard group called Postmark'd Art. We sign up under different themes for choices of postcards to make and send to the others on the list. One of the groups I am in is recycled art. The cards need to made from recycled materials. So I am using some of my yarns along with my embellisher to make these cards. There is a technique I have been wanting to try, that I have learned from both Dale Rollerson and The Workshop on the Web. I find I don't like to make things for a class just to learn something when I am taking classes online. There is good and bad to that. Good because I am not wasting materials, I rarely use something I have made just for class. Bad because it doesn't always work out the way I would like and I need to re-plan at the last minute. These cards aren't actually due until the end of October but, thinking I had plenty of time, I of course signed up for several groups. I like experimenting with new techniques, I should qualify this, new techniques for me when I make postcards. There is so much I don't know and the 4" x 6" size let's me try lot's of different things. Here are some of the things in my surprise box.


patterns and such

and more

even some chip bags
Here are some of my little squares of yarn embellished felt just waiting to be pieced back together into some semblance of a pattern.

This is the first pattern I tried, but it is only 3" x 5" and I didn't have enough of one of the colors to finish all fourteen cards. So, back to the drawing board.

I decided to go with the 3" x 5" format and add a half inch border all around. Here is my 3" x 5" with some stitching. I'll show the rest once they have been sent. Still stitching today.

Reading patterns comes in handy for many things that I do. My husband and son are making a paver patio this summer. I wish I had taken photos of the start of the patio because there was a lot of work involved. Digging down, leveling, adding drainage pipe, moving tons of rock and sand etc. They are finally at the 'use the paver bricks stage.' My son caught that flu that has been going around so I had to be the helper, which is not good, since I can't lift much. I was able to keep my husband on track with the pattern of the stones. It was easier for him just to work on automatic and let me tell him which size stone went where next. I think it is going to be great once it is finished.

Mocha was supervising from a safe distance.

My mom went into the hospital yesterday. Luckily my sister had gone to take her to an appointment. She was mostly dehydrated and very weak but she is considering an assisted care facility now. Say a prayer that all goes well for her if you think of it.
Have a creative day everyone. Janet