A few weeks ago I mentioned the International Postcard Exchange hosted by the Irish Patchwork Society. Thought I would show you my first card, I plan to make at least three. One for each of the times my mother-in-law had cancer. These cards will be sold to raise money for breast cancer research.
Think about making a card, it's for a very good cause! You can find the information here.This first card is thread painted. The cards need to have a floral, nature, horticulture, landscape or environmental theme. Which can encompass a lot of ideas. I chose floral and made a rose for this card. The darkest color is the color of the fabric, the other two colors are thread painted. I was thrilled when my son knew right away that it's a rose! Success!
The cards need to arrive in Ireland by the end of May, so there is plenty of time to make one or two or more. They will first be displayed at two major shows in Ireland, so this is your chance to be in an International Show!
Have a creative day!
A member of the Postmark'd Art group is from New Zealand. Evie has started something called Hearts for Christchurch. By now everyone has heard about the horrific earthquake centered in Christchurch, New Zealand. They have a huge job ahead of them rebuilding the community and rebuilding their spirit. I am going to post a quote from her blog explaining what this is all about. Be sure to visit her blog though so you can see some of the hearts that have already been received.
"I am gathering hearts for Christchurch. Not heart blocks in the quilting sense but ‘hanging’ hearts.
Two heart shapes sewn together, stuffed or not, embellished, embroidered, CQ’d, quilted, plain or fancy, felt or fabric or anything goes. Add a loop at the top.
However many inches high that you care to make. For ease of postage, envelope size is a good measurement.
Also for ease of postage you can send them flat, leave an opening and add a note “Please stuff me” I have a couple of non sewers on stuffing.
You can choose to sign them on the back and add a message. It would be nice to have at least the area they come from.
This is just a small measure of something nice to give in this terrible time.
A heart is a symbol of caring and I know we all feel an overpowering desire to do something."
They can be sent to :
Hearts for Christchurch
C/- Evie Harris
523 Main North Road
Bay View
Napier 4104
New Zealand
There are some wonderful photos on her blog and if you have further questions, Evie would be glad to answer them. Here is the link for Evie's blog.
So now we are sending postcards to Ireland to raise money for breast cancer research, hearts to New Zealand to show our support of people going through a very tough experience. What's next? Maybe we should all make Quilts of Valor as well. The charity opportunities are endless in the quilting world. And Quilters are always generous people.
Have a wonderful day