Dr Seuss was a big favorite at my house when I was little. My dad would read the stories and have these wonderful voices for all of the characters. Memories, those special little joys that pop into the mind every now and than when you least expect them to. My son received 'Oh, the places you'll go" for a graduation gift from a dear neighbor. It's about a boy starting of on a Great Journey, fresh and excited about his latest adventure. Well today we are going to take an adventure to some places I have found lately that inspire me....
Stephanie Forsyth, who is always inspiring to me, has the blog "The Fiber Nation" lately she has started adding video tutorials to her blog. This one on making angelina beads is great. I've made beads from fabric before but not angelina, so that will be fun to try. She also has a free BOM going so be sure to check it out as well.
I was recently sent a link to Janet McTavish's(Karen McTavish's mom) latest project "Peace Labyrinth." This is just an amazing project. She is trying to create a three dimensional labyrinth of quilts. People will be able to walk the labyrinth at quilt shows. You can watch a short video that tells about the project, and/or read more about it here. I think anything that shows how we are all 'more alike than different' is worthwhile.
I have been hearing a lot about zentangle recently. I don't know a great deal about it but now I am intrigued. I get an email update from a site called Chica and Jo. They have really fun ideas for parties, holidays, gifts etc. Not necessarily quilting or even sewing for that matter, but I find their ideas refreshing. Good site for things to do with kids, or for kids. They posted a photo of a 'zentangled' (is that a word?) pumpkin that you just have to see.
The last post I came across has nothing to do with quilting or sewing but is something women everywhere need to embrace. It has statistics that are frightening and we need to change this. Be sure to watch the links at the bottom of the post if you have time. They are very powerful. Mary's blog is "View from the Seat" and is a very well written post about National Fat Free Talk Week.
Have a creative day everyone
My blog will chronicle my journey learning about contemporary quilting techniques and mixed media.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
A Common Thread

The Textile Center in Minneapolis has a show every January called A Common Thread. If you are a member of the Textile Center you can submit work for this show. The photo submissions and information had to be submitted by the first week in October. Whew! I made it in time. Last year was the first year I entered something. It was a very small piece, I don't have the exact measurements handy but it was about the size of a piece of computer paper. I was very surprised when the check came in the mail because my piece had sold. I am hoping for a wonderful surprise again this year, but even if it doesn't sell, I am proud of myself for pushing past the fear factor and entering the show. Here is a photo of last years piece.
That fear quotient holds me back a little more than I would like, but considering how new I am to this whole fiber art experience, I do OK. It's easy to be confident when you have done something for a long time and you know you are good at it. At this point in my career I wonder if I should hold back until I learn more, if it is even worth the trouble. But than I sit back, really look at what I have done, and say "How will you learn more if you don't keep trying!" and "Of course it is worth trying!" I can see growth in my work with each piece I finish. Some may be baby steps, some lateral steps, and occasionally some feel like giant leaps, but each is progress in one form or another. I don't have any set type of art that I do. I am still experimenting at this point. I like to try everything, which makes for slower progress at times but it makes this journey richer and full of adventure.

This is a photo of the piece I submitted. The frame measures about 23" x 19." I shibori dyed, overdyed, beaded, hand quilted, and used swarovski crystals and other embellishments. I than framed the piece. I like this one. So, if it doesn't sell I am fine with that too. It is called 'Sunspots." A big thank you to Nancy Eha, I learned how to do much of the beading techniques from her book called "Bead Creative Art Quilts" Her explanations are very clear with lot's of beautiful photos.

Have a creative day
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