I've been doing lot's of thinking this past month because I was having trouble with getting the creative thoughts flowing. My space wasn't working for me in several ways so I decided to work on cleaning up and paring down. I still have more to do but the biggest part is done and already my thoughts are clicking. It works for me to have my 'studio' space(if I call it a studio it makes me feel and think of myself as a professional, it's really my living room and dining room, but don't tell) in order. I know other people who work best in what looks like total chaos to me, even though they know where everything is at any given time. I may think my space is organized while someone else might come in and say it was a wreck. What I'm trying to say is, we each need to find what works for us, in how we arrange things, how we do things, how we interact with people. This works for me, at least for now it does. So, when I mention something in my blog, I'm just journaling about what works the best for me, it may or may not work for you. I also am paring down on my computer time, so I reluctantly pulled myself out of several online groups. In the long run this will be better for me, now I have more time to get my exercise in my day too.
I mentioned a while back that I entered a small piece in the Common Thread exhibit at the Textile Center in St Paul. It is hanging there now and will be until February 20. So if you are in and around St Paul, Minnesota this next month go and see the exhibit. There are close to 100 artists exhibiting some spectacular work. I was there last Monday evening to go to Minnesota Contemporary Quilters meeting and also to see the show. There are some amazing works of art. Here is a photo of my small piece, and bonus for me, it sold!
Yesterday a wonderful couple came to help me make some adjustments to my longarm, I was having trouble, not because of the machine, just user errors. They gave me a number of tips to help with other little things. Now it is running so smoothly, I'm really excited to do some quilting this weekend. Hopefully I'll have some finished quilts to post before long.
I got up early to use my project-a-scope while it is still dark, so I'd better go get that done. It won't be long before the sun comes up and I want to get a pattern made from one of my photos. Have a creative day!