The third is actually ridiculous because I always have plenty of craft materials to keep busy long past my days on this planet. But, that's where my mind goes and I usually follow along. Last week I saw a YouTube video from Michael's about making a scarf using your arms for the knitting needles. (Yes, I said your arms). What better way to prepare for sub zero temperatures than to make a nice warm scarf and the idea behind it fascinated me. I am not really a knitter, I know how to knit and purl and can actually do a cable stitch if I have to but I am not a knitter. Somehow this idea called to me.
I stopped at Michael's and bought enough yarn for two scarves. Now the temperature doesn't really get cold until tomorrow afternoon but before breakfast today, I already had one of the scarves finished! It is so fast and easy. Now granted if you have small children or pets that need to go outside, you may need to make sure you have someone else around to help. You won't be tied up (literally) for too long.
I used two skeins of yarn for mine. I can wind it any number of ways and it is very warm. The demo video scarf is shorter. Here it is wrapped around my neck twice and draped over my head.
Have a creative Day