I finished my first ATC (Artist Trading Card). It was really fun to make. I thought I took some photos as I was making it to show the process but I guess that was only in my mind. Next time, I will. Picture a simple flat piece of copper, 2.5" x 3.5". That is where it all began. It was shaped, painted, backed and stitched. Above is the card I sent and below is the card I received. I love the one I received it is called Behind the Garden Fence.
Here are a few photos of my rust dyed fabric from the hot humid days we had last week. I love this one. I know I could never make one exactly like this and that is one of the things I appreciate the most about rust dyed fabric.
I don't think I ever posted a photo of my quilt for the Minnesota Contemporary Quilters challenge. This years theme was Twin Cities on the bias. We were supposed to show something about the Twin Cities (Minneapolis, St Paul) that shows our bias for one or the other. I created a map of the two cities and printed on fabric some photos of a few of the more notable buildings in the area. The only building with color is the photo of the Textile Center. That is my bias in the Twin Cities area.