My postcards for the Irish Patchwork Society are finished. I will get those off in the mail tomorrow so they are sure to arrive long before the end of May, which is the deadline. You still have time to make one or two and get them sent. They will be in two shows in Ireland and than sold to raise money for breast cancer research.

I made three postcards in loving memory of my mother-in-law who had cancer three times. I also made them for my Aunt Alice Marion(who inspired my crafting), my cousins, Suellen and Beth, my father-in-law, and my friend Joni. For the survivors and for the memories left behind, love you all.

I also made 40-5 x 8 sheets of altered cardstock for the mixed media group I joined. There are approximately 40 people in this exchange. We each chose a technique for altering our own cardstock. We send our sheets to one wonderful person who will put one of each persons in an envelope and send it back to us. Each of the sheets has an explanation on the back explaining the process used. I'm excited because this is very new to me and now I will have a wealth of information at my fingertips. With visuals!
I stamped my paper randomly to add some depth to the background. Next I put a wash of acrylic paint on the paper. While it was still wet I sprinkled rock salt on the paper. The rock salt absorbs some of the pigment creating some interesting little shapes on the paper. Let the paper dry thoroughly and than remove the salt. I've used rock salt on fabric before too but not for a long time, have to try that again.
Have a creative day