I was feeling reminiscent last night. My youngest just finished his first week of college and I was remembering back to those days when I had to grab every minute I could to be creative. At the time cross stitch and other crewel work fit for me. I could put it down and pick it up at a moments notice, and it was easily portable.
There are quite a few that I don't have photos of because they were given away or long since discarded in some manner. Here are a few of the stitches from my past that are still hanging around my house. The photos aren't the best but you'll get the idea.
This first one was cross stitched, than cut out, brushed with stiffy and a small cord was added so it could be hung. It was part of a mother's day present for my mom long ago. (It says "For my Mom" and "who has always taken the weeds with the flowers")

This is one of the first stitch projects. It is starting to show it's age and may be in the need of a good cleaning. I've always liked flowers and butterflies.
This was just added as a gift tag on something. It is done on perforated paper, cut out in the scalloped heart shape, with hole punches in the scallops. A small ribbon was added to hang it on the gift.

This was a reminder for myself when I let people give me a hard time about staying home with my kids. This piece helped me keep my focus on what was good for my family.
I made these cute tumbling bears for my daughter's room when she was a baby.
Cross Stitch and Country Crafts was the name of a magazine I received for a number of years. I really liked the beautiful designs they had. I had just finished this next one when we first moved to Minnesota. I took it to the framer, the first thing she asked was if I was entering it in the state fair. It had never occurred to me to enter the fair. We did go to the fair that year and it became very clear why she asked me that question. Everywhere I turned someone had done this same piece and entered it in the fair. Some day I hope to finish the little boy who goes along with the girl.

This next one is also a pattern from Cross Stitch and Country Crafts. It was a series of three, this one spoke to me. I really like how it was framed.

Here are a couple of whimsical ones from the years I spent so much time driving here and there we never had time to cook anything but reservations (Just kidding, we probably couldn't afford reservations than). The frame on the reservations stitch project had really faded, so I repainted it yesterday and added some varnish.
This next one was a little kit I bought. I don't remember where or who it was made by. It is hanging in my creative space to remind me to strive for those dreams even if they seem out of reach. (It says "Reach for the Stars")

I took a class a Bear Patch Quilting to learn how to do punch needle. I think this is the kit I bought for the class. I still haven't framed this one.

The last one I found is a little punch needle pattern I purchased. It says Live Simply. Always a good goal. I like the texture in the frame on this one.
Today's project is to put a quilt on my longarm and get busy quilting.
Do you have stitches from your past you could share? Let me know I always like to take a trip down memory lane.
Have a creative day