I started blogging as a way to motivate myself and to reassure myself that I do get things finished. Sometimes it feels like I am just standing still and everyone else is zipping by at lightning speed. This past month has been one of those times. It's not that I'm not doing anything, but what I'm doing is pretty mundane and doesn't really excite me let alone anyone who would want to read my blog.
I'm trying to minimize so that I have fewer times when I have to do those mundane chores. Paring down and getting rid of things and storing what I have more efficiently so it is easier to utilize. It all sounds good when I put it in writing but not as easy when it comes time to follow through. My scrapbook stuff is next on my list. I have many scrapbooks in my head right now and hope to one day make them real and not just virtual.
In between I have been working on my Pick a Peck of Posies Quilt top by Susan Perry. I am almost finished with month 8. I have the flowers for the basket finished I just need to trim it up to the correct size. It will be 36" x 52" when I cut off the excess. I think I will go on and make the basket and than trim them both at the same time. I think my folding cutting table will be just big enough for this project.

I also have two of the corner squares finished. I bought this quite a few years ago as a quilt of the month project. I mentioned in a previous post that I had completed the first square and it was at least a full inch smaller than it should have been. This is part of my paring down process. Finishing old projects if they still appeal to me, or giving them to someone else if they don't. This one became a challenge and I wanted to see if I could do it now that I know a little more about quilting. I'm enjoying the satisfaction when they turn out the way they are supposed to and finding I really like this. I admire anyone who can create a pattern like this AND explain it so that people like me can actually make it too.

My catalog is now ready to try some of Maggie Grey's techniques. It will be something new for me. I really admire her work. You can learn more about catalogue killing on her blog called Magstitch. I have a link to her blog on my sidebar, just look for the posts titled catalogue killing. I'm ready for disinfectant and a wire brush.

I've been trying to spread my yard work out since it is so hard on my knee but I do love the summer flowers. I try to add a new bit of whimsy to my garden each year. One thing I added this year is a book with a quote by Emerson.

And here is one of my favorite flowers. (The photo at the top of the blog was taking while geocaching with my family when they came to visit.)Have a creative day! janet